Saturday, October 11, 2003

EdTechPost: Matrix of some uses of blogs in education Archives
Artificial “agents” modeling complex systems
Escaping the organisation chart on your intranet
Color Symbolism
A new model for publishing scientific research, and the Public Library of Science
A close look at the lack of standards, ignorance of users needs, and a need for industry wide segment marketing in what might be called an autopsy for the Handheld Computer
Quite a bit to learn about George Orwell, and about writing in Jeffrey Meyers' article titled Orwell on writing
In the good news department - good sense strikes, and the decision to initiate a lawsuit against Princeton student by CD protection software company is dropped.
Joel on Software is carrying an excellent essay oncharacter encoding. If you build web sites, and you want to know more about what that content type tag does, it's worth a read.

Friday, October 10, 2003

Creating a Killer Product
Edgar Governo, Historian of Things That Never Were
Studies are wonderful things. Always pay attention to whom funded ones you look at. For instance, a recent study that tells us work stations with multiple monitors at each computer make for a much more efficient office. Give you one guess what the company that paid for that study manufacture.
Wharton Business school has some terrific articles, like this one on whether or not suing your customers is a good business strategy. The Henry Ford comparison is priceless.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

The world doesn't have to be homogenized for the masses. Different cultures and different people have a lot to offer America. We should seriously consider letting them do that. There's probably a lesson in the following article for the Mattel people to ponder. My expectation is that they won't. See: Muslim doll offers modest alternative to Barbie
A Brief Overview of the Linguistic Attributes of the Blogosphere (pdf)
Microsoft looking at browser injunction? Eolas files motion to enjoin IE
An excellent summary on The Eolas matter

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Digital-rights group knocks 'trusted' PCs | CNET - Song swappers flock to invitation-only Internet - Oct. 6, 2003
Mid Pass Filter
The Pace and Proliferation of Biological Technologies (pdf)
Addiction a handicap? Limits of disability act tested |
The Deployment of VeriSign "Site Finder" and ISP Response
Court's call: Hands off VoIP | CNET
Wired News: Charter: Hands Off Song Swappers - Study: Classical music a money magnet - Oct. 7, 2003
Linux vs. Windows Viruses
For anyone interesting in online communities, and post rating systems: || Comment Rating Changes
The FCC has been having a rough time lately: Court Rules F.C.C. Erred in Decision on Net Access
The Philly Inquirer comes clean, clearing up their confusion over Klingons and evil monomaniacal humans: Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/07/2003 | Clearing the record
A look at the antics and adventures of Elizabeth Spiers: An unlikely new source of writing talent: Blogs
Legg Mason Told to Pay Newsletter (
Seems that there is a class (action) of people who think thatBono is fucking brilliant.
Alphapage.html - University of Maryland
Six Log: TypePad's Official Launch
CD-copy protection system said to have simple flaw
Wanted: A Legible Voting Ballot