Sunday, January 09, 2005

What changes would you make for 2005?

I purposefully didn't list a set of resolutions for 2005.

I think this year, I'm going to follow Jennifer Rice's suggestion in her blog post from a couple of days (and a year) ago, in her post, Let's be the change we want to see:

It's important to take a look at the relationships in your life, and to see how you can strengthen them. Make more time for family and friends if you haven't. Look up some people you haven't talked to in a while, and say hello. See if there's some way that you can reach out to your local community, and make a difference by being interested and involved. As Jennifer wrote:

If each of us chooses to take ownership of our small section of the vast social fabric that ties us all together -- to tighten it up and halt the unravelling, not just with technology but with our own authentic goodness -- our society can be irrevocably changed for the better.

That's a change that I think I'd like to see a lot of people adopt.

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